

Follows the journey of Quentin, a boy from the Planet Gliese who finds a book in the library called Earthlings. He questions the way of life on Earth. As a result of his curiosity, he explores the importance of finding answers to our questions. Quentin's journey inspires fact-finding to develop confidence in thinking for yourself. Inspire your kid with the book "Planet storyland."


James Sherwood Metts


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What are Parents, students, teachers, and librarians saying


Luis Gonzales


"The book's themes of independence of thought and creativity were conveyed in a way that was educational, entertaining, and easy for my 15 year old to understand."

Priya Patel


"I'm so glad I bought Planet Storyland for my 13 year old son! I found the discussions between Quentin and his father to be a great way to introduce complex topics in a tone that was accessible to young readers." 

Paul Enno

8th Grade Teacher

"Planet Storyland" is a must-have for any classroom library. The book's message is both timely and relevant, making it a great tool to teach young readers about making a difference. The author skillfully weaves humor, suspense, and realistic character development to create an entertaining and educational story.


Soft Cover




James Sherwood Metts
 The Author

James Sherwood Metts is an author with a passion for exploring life's questions. In his writing, he seeks to inspire students to discover their own path in our mysterious world. Whether it's exploring the wonders of the universe or delving into the depths of the human mind, James believes that our questions are our guide. Like clues on a treasure map we will find the buried treasure to exchange for the life we want to live. James' book encourages students to think enthusiastically and explore the world around them.