

This thrilling book follows the journey of Quentin, a young boy from Planet Gliese who discovers a book about Earth and is filled with questions about life. Through his explorations, he learns the power of free-thinking and the importance of finding answers to his questions. Quentin's journey inspires you to think creatively, to seek answers to your own questions, and to develop the confidence to think for yourself. Perfect for ages 12-18, this exciting book is packed with themes of free-thinking and self-discovery. Give your child the gift of inspiration with "Planet Storyland"!


James Sherwood


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The book's themes of free-thinking and individualism were conveyed in a way that was educational, entertaining, and easy for a young reader to understand. The stunning illustrations throughout the book were a great addition. - Luis Gonzales
"This book was a fantastic way to teach my child about complex topics like government formation and individualism. Quentin's thoughts were both thought-provoking and inspiring, and my child couldn't wait to share their thoughts with me after each chapter." -Paul Enno
"If you want to inspire your child's imagination and encourage them to think critically, then Planet Storyland is the perfect book! My child loved the character Quentin, the conversations between him and his father were thought-provoking, and the beautiful illustrations throughout the book made it a joy to read." - Frank Geni
"I'm so glad I bought Planet Storyland for my child! The book's message about the importance of free-thinking and trusting your intuition resonated with them, and they were fascinated by the character Quentin and his discoveries about humans on Earth. The discussions between he and his father were a great way to introduce complex topics in a way that was accessible and engaging for young readers." -Priya Patel
"My child loved "Planet Storyland"! The themes of free-thinking and creative exploration really spoke to them, and they couldn't put the book down until the very end. The conversations between Quentin and his father about the formation of human government were particularly thought-provoking, and the stunning illustrations throughout the book only added to its charm." -Savannah Nguyen

Soft Cover









James Sherwood
 The Author

James Sherwood is a children's author with a passion for exploring life's questions. In his writing, he seeks to inspire children to discover their own answers to the mysteries of the world. Whether it's exploring the wonders of the universe or delving into the depths of the human mind, James believes that every question is worth asking and every answer is worth seeking. With a focus on imagination, creativity, and curiosity, James' books encourage children to think deeply and explore the world around them.